Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Pacific Coast

Does the Pacific coast have problems? Is the global warming the only problem that the Pacific coast has? What other problems does the Pacific coast have? Actually there is more than global warming to these problems, which are less fish, more dead birds on the beaches, and much less plankton. There are other things that caused those problems, such as the leaking from the factories, ships, and testing of weapons.

First, the factories that are beside the beaches have some bad effects on the ecosystem on the Pacific coast. The factories have some comical leaking to seas, and these leaks kill the animals in the sea. For example, in 1991 in the Gulf beach, after the Iraq and Kuwait war, there was some oil leak and that killed the fishes and the birds on these beaches. Moreover, the gases that come from the factories caused air pollution and that affected the ecosystem on the Pacific coast. For example, the gases that come from the factories and cars affect our lives in the same way it affects the ecosystem on the Pacific coast. The Pacific coast is exhibition of pollution from many sources and the factories are a part of it.

Second, the ships have some bad effects on the ecosystem on the Pacific coast. There are some ships that throw away the waste and it has some leakage of fuel and gas. For example, we always hear about broken ships in the oceans or seas and these ships of course have some leaks in the fuel and gas. In addition, the oil tankers may encounter a few accidents; after that, it may spill the oil in the oceans and seas. For example, the oil tankers may encounter a few accidents such as storms and hurricanes. The ships have a big part of the pollution problems and the companies who own the ships should control this problem or find a solution to it.

Third, there are some governments that caused the pollution in the Pacific coast. There are some governments that tried their weapons in the Pacific Ocean and that consider environmental disaster. For example, there are some countries that tried their nuclear weapons in the Pacific Ocean. As a result, there are some leaks that result from the trials of the chemical and nuclear weapons in the Pacific Ocean. For example, the chemical and nuclear weapons affect humans and the animals, and of course it has bad effects on the ecosystem on the Pacific coast. These governments should reconsider trying their weapons in the Pacific Ocean.

My opponents say that global warming is more serious than these problems, which are the leaking from the factories, ships, and trials of weapons. However, this is simply wrong. In fact, these problems have more bad effects than global warming. For example, there is no solution if there is big chemical leakage or gas leakage, but there is always a solution to global warming that we can find. Furthermore, the effects that these problems have are faster than the global warming effects. For example, the effects of the nuclear weapons will appear in a few seconds, but the effects of the global warming will appear in years. Then we can say that the leaking from the factories, ships, and weapons trials problems are more serious than global warming.

In conclusion, there are many problems that the Pacific Ocean faces in the future, and we should find the solution to stop it. These problems are serious, and we should take care of our environment before it gets worse and we cannot do anything about it. We have to be one hand to save our planet and make a good life for our children and our grandchildren.


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